Henry Adams


I am excited to be starting a faculty position in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Florida in Fall 2023. My new webpage is still under construction.

Please see my new teaching webpage for my courses in Fall 2023 and beyond.

Here is my Teaching Statement.


  Together with Kelly Emmrich, Maria Gillespie, Shannon Golden, and Rachel Pries, I wrote the book Counting Rocks! An Introduction to Combinatorics (2023). This book has been used for the class Math 301, Introduction to Combinatorial Theory, at Colorado State University. [Book Webpage, Book PDF, Videos]

Video Lectures


I make publicly available notes for my classes, including for example undergraduate combinatorics [Math 301 notes] (these now have been tranformed into a [Combinatorics Textbook]), graduate linear programming [Math 510 notes], undergraduate algebra [Math 366 notes], graduate topology I [Math 570 notes], and graduate topology II [Math 571 notes].


Colorado State University

Duke University

Stanford University

California Institute of Technology
