I am excited to be starting a faculty position in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Florida in Fall 2023. My new webpage is still under construction.
Please see my new teaching webpage for my courses in Fall 2023 and beyond.
Here is my Teaching Statement.
Together with Kelly Emmrich, Maria Gillespie, Shannon Golden, and Rachel Pries, I wrote the book Counting Rocks! An Introduction to Combinatorics (2023). This book has been used for the class Math 301, Introduction to Combinatorial Theory, at Colorado State University. [Book Webpage, Book PDF, Videos] |
Video Lectures
- Topological Data Analysis, Spring 2021. [27 videos]
- Abstract Algebra, Spring 2021. [84 videos]
- Linear Programming, Fall 2020. [52 videos]
- Abstract Algebra, Spring 2020. [18 videos]
I make publicly available notes for my classes, including for example undergraduate combinatorics [Math 301 notes] (these now have been tranformed into a [Combinatorics Textbook]), graduate linear programming [Math 510 notes], undergraduate algebra [Math 366 notes], graduate topology I [Math 570 notes], and graduate topology II [Math 571 notes].Outreach
- Over March 20-24, 2023, I am teaching a week-long course on The geometry of data for the Data Science Training School, African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS Rwanda), Kigali, Rwanda. [Course Webpage]
- In Winter 2020 I gave a mini-course on Geometric complexes in applied topology at the Winter School on Geometric and Topological Data Analysis at CIMAT, in Guanajuato, Mexico.
- In Summer 2017 I taught a two week course on Applied and Computational Topology at the Universidad de Costa Rica.
- In Summer 2017 I taught a one week minicourse on Computational Topology at Summer@ICERM 2017.
Colorado State University
- Math 510, Linear Programming and Network Flows, Fall 2022. [Class Webpage]
- Math 472, Introduction to Topology, Fall 2022. [Class Webpage]
- DSCI 475, Topological Data Analysis, Spring 2021. [Class Webpage, Video Lectures]
- Math 366, Introduction to Abstract Algebra, Spring 2021. [Class Webpage, Video Lectures]
- Math 510, Linear Programming and Network Flows, Fall 2020. [Class Webpage, Video Lectures]
- Math 366, Introduction to Abstract Algebra, Spring 2020. [Class Webpage, Video Lectures]
- Math 301, Introduction to Combinatorial Theory, Fall 2019. [Class Webpage]
- Math 366, Introduction to Abstract Algebra, Spring 2019. [Class Webpage]
- Math 301, Introduction to Combinatorial Theory, Fall 2018. [Class Webpage]
- Math 571, Topology II, Spring 2018. [Class Webpage]
- Math 570, Topology I, Fall 2017. [Class Webpage]
- Math 580a2, Applied Topology, Spring 2017. [Class Webpage]
- Math 435, Projects in Applied Mathematics, Spring 2017. [Class Webpage]
- Math 472, Introduction to Topology, Fall 2016. [Class Webpage]
- Math 301, Introduction to Combinatorial Theory, Fall 2016. [Class Webpage]
- Math 435, Projects in Applied Mathematics, Spring 2016. [Class Webpage]
- Math 301, Introduction to Combinatorial Theory, Fall 2015. [Class Webpage]
Duke University
- Math 431, Introduction to Analysis, Spring 2015. [Class Webpage]
Stanford University
- Math 51, Linear Algebra and Differential Calculus of Several Variables, Teaching assistant.
- Winter 2013 [Section Webpage]
- Spring 2011 [Section Notes]
- Winter 2011 [Section Notes]
- SSEA Math Module, Summer 2012. [Class Webpage]
- Math 215a, Complex Analysis, Course assistant, Fall 2012.
- Math 147, Differential Topology, Course assistant, Spring 2012. [Homework Solutions]
- Math 151, Introduction to Probability Theory, Course assistant, Winter 2012. [Class Webpage]
- Math 171, Fundamental Concepts of Analysis, Course assistant.
- Spring 2010 [Homework Solutions]
- Fall 2009
California Institute of Technology
- Math 2b, Probability and Statistics, Teaching assistant, Winter 2009.
- Math 2a, Differential Equations, Head teaching assistant, Fall 2008.
- Math 1c, Calculus of One and Several Variables and Linear Algebra, Teaching assistant, Spring 2008.
- Math 1b, Linear Algebra, Teaching assistant, Winter 2008.
- Math 1a, Calculus of One and Several Variables, Teaching assistant, Fall 2007.
- Stanford University Mathematics Camp, Teaching assistant, counselor, and research group leader, Summer 2007. I was also a camper in 2002!
- Stanford's Pre-Collegiate Summer Institute, Teaching assistant and head counselor for the mathematical logic program, Summer 2007.