Henry Adams


I am excited to be starting a faculty position in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Florida in Fall 2023. My new webpage is still under construction.

Math riddles

Here are some of my favorite math riddles.


I co-direct the Online Seminar for the Applied Algebraic Topology Research Network (AATRN), along with the AATRN Vietoris-Rips Seminar and the AATRN Interview Series. Recordings are available at our AATRN YouTube Channel.

At Colorado State University, I co-organize the Topology Seminar, am a member of the Pattern Analysis Lab, and attend the Data Science Seminar. I helped lead CSU's Putnam Semniar in 2015-2020, and in 2011-2013 I organized Stanford's Computational Topology Reading Group.

Research highlight

Here is a research highlight related to my thesis project.

Blog posts

Here is a blog post I wrote on a nice math question concerning lions and contamination.

In 2019 I got married!


I enjoy playing sports, especially soccer, tennis, ultimate frisbee, and basketball.

College ultimate frisbee

2003-2004: Stanford B
2004-2007: Stanford A
2007-2008: Caltech

Club ultimate frisbee

2006: Contra (San Francisco)
2008: Monster (Los Angeles)
2010-2012: Boost (San Francisco)
2016-2017: shame. (Fort Collins)

Oberwolfach photos

See photos from my 2015 visit with Michał Adamaszek, and my 2019 visit with Florian Frick and Žiga Virk.

Mailing address

Henry Adams
Colorado State University
Department of Mathematics
1874 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523