Henry Adams

Math 435: Projects in Applied Mathematics

Colorado State University, Spring 2016

Instructor: Henry Adams
Email: henry dot adams at colostate dot edu
Office: Weber 125
Office Hours:

Class: Tuesday and Thursday 8:00-9:15am in Engineering E105 or Weber 205

Syllabus: Here is the course syllabus.


Here is a collection of some possible project ideas.

Project 1: Project 1 is due February 25. Here is a description of the report you will turn in, and here is the corresponding LaTeX source code.

Project 2: Project 2 is due April 7 at 10:00pm. Here is a description of the report you will turn in, and here is the corresponding LaTeX source code.

Project 3: Project 3 is due May 5 at 11:40am. Here is a description of the report you will turn in, and here is the corresponding LaTeX source code.

Present your work at CURC

I higly encourage you to present your work CURC 2016, Celebrate Undergraduate Research and Creativity. You can choose from a research poster category, a writing category, and an oral presentation category. The registration deadline is March 22 and the day of the event is April 22.


Date Topic Remark

Jan 19 Introduction, course overview, and questionnaire. Meeting in Engineering E105
Jan 21 High-dimensional data analysis: Natural image patches. Meeting in Weber 205

Jan 26 High-dimenional data analysis: Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
Jan 28 Klein bottle model for natural images. Financial projects discussion.

Feb 2 Snow day: class cancelled.
Feb 4 Work on Project 1.

Feb 9 Work on Project 1. Brief introduction to LaTeX.
Feb 11 Work on Project 1.

Feb 16 Work on Project 1.
Feb 18 Work on Project 1.

Feb 23 Work on Project 1.
Feb 25 Presentations and work on Project 1. Project 1 due

Mar 1 Presentations, Project 1 recap, further introduction to LaTeX.
Mar 3 Presentations and work on Project 2.

Mar 8 Presentations and work on Project 2.
Mar 10 An introduction to Support Vector Machines (SVMs).

Spring Recess, March 14-18
Mar 22 More on Support Vector Machines. Meeting in Engineering E105
Mar 24 An introduction to Linear Programming.
Mar 25 Dinner at Henry's!

Mar 29 Bayesian Estimation
Mar 31 Work on Project 2.

Apr 5 Work on Project 2.
Apr 7 Work on Project 2. Project 2 due at 10:00pm

Apr 12 Presentations and work on Project 3.
Apr 14 Presentations and work on Project 3.

Apr 19 Presentations and work on Project 3.
Apr 21 Presentations and work on Project 3.

Apr 26 Work on posters and Project 3.
Apr 28 Work on posters and Project 3. Course Evaluations

May 3 Submit a PDF or JPG of your poster to me by 10pm. Class Picture
May 5 Class meeting at the Math Dept Poster Session.

Math Department Poster Session, Thursday May 5, 9:00-12:00 in the Grey Rock Room at the LSC.
Please arrive by 8:30am.

Final Project Due, Monday May 9, 9:40-11:40am

Information on the Math Department Poster Session

Your poster is due to me by Tuesday, May 3 at 10pm. Please email me a PDF or a JPG file.

The poster session is Thursday, May 5 from 9am-noon in the Grey Rock Room at the Lory Student Center. You do not need to be there for the entire time. Setup time is 8:15-9am (which I know you can attend since it is during our class period); please arrive by 8:30am. Takedown time is 12:00-12:30pm.

I will be grading your posters. Completely separate from my grading, there will be awards given out by the math department. For these awards, posters will be judged on mathematical content as well as professional or artistic presentation.

Students in the College of Natural Sciences can print posters without charge in the CNS computer lab, see
There is a sign up sheet in the CNS computer lab; you should sign up for a printing slot on May 4 or earlier.

How do you create a poster? Here are three possible ways:
(1) ShareLaTeX has poster templates:
(2) See the examples in the "Posters" folder in our G: "m435" folder.
(3) PowerPoint has poster templates. For example, see
A standard poster size is 4 feet x 3 feet (or 3 feet x 4 feet).

Information on Weber 205

Weber 205 is typically open 8am-10pm Monday through Thursday, and 8am-4:45pm on Friday. Weber 206 is also available with those same hours (this is especially helpful if there is a class going on in Weber 205). For more details on the computer lab, please see this FAQ.