I enjoy making math-related animations and still images. A few examples are shown below, but please see my art site for the full collection.
This is my mathematical genealogy as construed by the Mathematics Genealogy Project. The image to the right is a schematic version of the full genealogy (also available in a PDF version). Each name in the detailed view is a clickable link to that person’s MGP page. For more, read the explanation for non-mathematicians.
Here are some translations I’ve made of papers not written in English. I don’t actually speak French or German, so I make no guarantees as to the accuracy of these translations.
“Variational characterization of a sum of consecutive eigenvalues; generalization of inequalities of Pólya–Schiffer and Weyl”, a translation of: Joseph Hersch, “Caractérisation variationelle d’une somme de valeurs propres consécutives; généralisation d’inégalités de Pólya–Schiffer et de Weyl”, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 252 (1961), 1714–1716.
“Four isoperimetric properties of homogeneous spherical membranes”, a translation of: Joseph Hersch, “Quatre propriétés isopérimetriques de membranes sphériques homogès”, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. A–B 270 (1970), 1645–1648.
“Remarks on the number of extremes of the curvature on closed curves and on related questions in non-Euclidean geometry”, a translation of the first section of: Adolf Kneser, “Bemerkungen über die Anzahl der Extreme der Krümmung auf geschlossenen Kurven und über verwandte Fragen in einer nicht-euklidischen Geometrie”, Festschrift Heinrich Weber zu Seinem Siebzigsten Geburtstag, 1912, pp. 170–180.