Robert Liebler

B.S.: University of Michigan
M.A.: University of Michigan
Ph.D.: University of Michigan

Specializations: algebra, groups and  geometry, combinatorics

liebler (shift 2)  (eddress mangled)

Professor Robert Liebler received his B.S., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Michigan in 1965, 1966 and 1970.
Since joining Colorado State University in 1972, he has held interim visiting positions at University of Oregon, The Ohio State University,
University of Wyoming and University of California at Berkley as well as in University of Western Australia, Perth,  Oxford, England 
Techncal University Braunschweig, Germany and National Technical Universtiy, Singapore .

Professor Liebler's research interests center on the application of representation theory to finite geometry and combinatorics and coding theory.
He has also organized a long running inter-university algebraic combinatorics seminar

Classes    M301   M360

Presentations   Implementing Gradient Descent Decoding {beamerslides)

Lenz-Barlotti I.4 groups are Abelian (to appear in Proc AMS)
Semifield Arising from Irreducible Semilinear Transformations (in Australian Journal of Mathematics)
Implementing Gradient Descent Decoding (in Michigan Mathematical Journal)
Constructive representation theoretic methods and non-Abelian Difference sets