Emily J. King
data science, (algebraic, geometric, and combinatorial methods in) frame theory, signal & image processing, and pure & applied harmonic analysis

Upcoming Talks
- May 19-22, 2025, Constructive Functions 2025, Special Session on Symmetric Subspace Configurations, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN: "Introduction to symmetric subspace configurations"
- July 28-August 1, 2025, SampTA 2025, Special Session on Optimal Frames and Codes, Vienna, Austria: Title TBA
- September 8-10, 2025, Mathematics in the age of data, TU Clausthal, Clausthal, Germany: Title TBA
01.09.2025: Slides for my talk “A Mathematical Exploration of Attention Mechanisms” at the JMM AMS Special Session on MRC Mathematics of Adversarial, Interpretable, and Explainable AI are here
09.04.2024: I am a co-PI on a new NSF grant with the goal of using mathematical tools to better understand cloud processes. Read more here.
06.20.2024: Congrats to Harley Meade. She successfully defended her Masters Plan B, entitled “Circuits of Minimal Size in Paley ETFs”.
06.11.2024: Congrats to Kristina Moen. She successfully defended her Masters Plan B, entitled “Gray level co-occurrence matrix and its application to weather satellite imagery”.
03.31.2024: Congrats to Emma Slack. She will be joining the Research Training Group on Vertically Integrated Interdisciplinary Training in Mathematics for Human Health at UT Arlington as a doctoral student in the fall.
03.25.2024: Congrats to Kristina Moen. She will be spending the summer doing research in Sendai, Japan as part of a G-RIPS program!
01.28.2024: I just returned from the Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics. One undergrad from CSU came with me.
12.15.2023: Congrats to Emma Slack for earning the inaugural Outstanding Undergraduate in Mathematics award. She has done undergraduate research with me on spectral graph theory and small-world graphs over the last couple of years and has excelled in all of her classes. She will spend the spring semester as an intern at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, working on applications of graph theory to the design of offshore wind farms.
10.17.2023: Congrats to Kristina Moen, who successfully completed her Qualifying Exam Part B on “Mathematical Methods for Extracting Textural Features from Weather Satellite Imagery”
08.29.2023: Congrats to Kylie Schnoor, who successfully completed her Qualifying Exam Part B on “Understanding Max Filters”
08.16.2023: On September 24, 2022, my mathematical grandfather Chander Davis passed away at the age of 96. Three years prior, he wrote a letter that was read at the 80th birthday conference of my mathematical father John Benedetto. This letter was so well-crafted and eloquent. I will never have the way with words that he had even into his 90's. He was also an activist, writing a math paper while imprisoned by the U.S. Government for pleading the first rather than the fifth. He strongly believed in equality and was one of the first members of the Association for Women in Mathematics. He also was an award-winning science fiction author. To read more about his extraordinary life, see Remembrances of Chandler Davis in the most recent Notices of the American Mathematical Society.
05.30.2023: Congrats to Ian Jorquera, who successfully completed his Qualifying Exam Part B on “Who Framed Matroid Rabbit?”
02.23.2023: Congrats to Lander ver Hoef, who successfully defended his doctoral thesis on “Using Mathematical Techniques to Leverage Domain Knowledge in Image Analysis for Earth Science”. He will start a postdoc position at the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere in May.
01.22.2023: I just returned Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics. Two undergrads from CSU came with me. This was the 25th anniversary of the conference and 20 years after I first attended as an undergraduate.
10.26.2022: You may check out my talk at Mathematical Advances for Multi-Dimensional Microscopy at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics here.
10.06.2022: Congrats to group alum Laura Breitkopf, who was selected as one of 200 young researchers in math and computer science from around the world to participate in the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, which brings together young scientists and laureates of the Abel Prize, ACM A.M. Turing Award, ACM Prize in Computing, Fields Medal, IMU Abacus Medal, and Nevanlinna Prize.
08.18.2022: Congrats to Lander ver Hoef, who just passed his preliminary oral exam on "Using Mathematical Techniques to Leverage Domain Knowledge in Image Analysis for Earth Science."
07.27.2022: Congrats to Harley Meade, who just passed her preliminary oral exam on "A combinatorial and algebraic approach to classifying spark of frames from discrete Fourier transform matrices."
07.01.2022: As of today, I am a tenured associate professor.
06.30.2022: Congrats to Sören Schulze, who starts a new position at LaVision BioTec tomorrow.
05.31.2022: You can watch my talk in the CodEx Seminar on "The Combinatorics of Equiangular Tight Frame Substructures" (which was part of a series replacing the planned Special Session on Recent Advances in Packing at the Joint Mathematics Meetings) here.
05.09.2022: You can watch my talk at the Fields Institute on "Subspace Configurations and Some Applications" here.
04.28.2022: I recently came across this picture from 2019 of me with one of my mathematical parents, John Benedetto, and some of my mathematical siblings, nieces, and nephews.

04.22.2022: I forgot to post a link to my talk in the Algebraic Graph Theory Seminar at the University of Waterloo back in November. You may watch it here.
02.03.2022: Congrats to Sören Schulze, who successfully defended his doctoral thesis on “Blind Source Separation in Single-Channel Polyphonic Music Recordings.” He is currently interviewing for a position in industry.
01.10.2022: My talk “A Potpourri of Mathematical Analyses of Neural Networks” in the One World Mathematics of INformation, Data, and Signals (1W-MINDS) Seminar is up on YouTube. The video is here.
08.11.2021: Clay Shonkwiler, John Jasper, and I joined Dustin Mixon to give commentary on Steven Strogatz's interview for the new 3b1b podcast. Check it out here.
05.07.2021: Congrats to Harley Meade, who successfully passed her Qual Part 2 with her talk "On Characterizing which Submatrices of DFTs are Full Spark."
05.06.2021: Congrats to Lander ver Hoef, who successfully passed his Qual Part 2 with his talk "Topological Data Analysis for Identifying Convection from Satellite Imagery."
03.27.2020: Andreas Hilboll (IUP, Uni Bremen), who co-organzied the Minisymposium on Inverse Problems in Atmospheric Remote Sensing at Applied Inverse Problems 2015, Helsinki, Finland with Johanna Tamminen and me, passed away due to COVID-19 on March 25. He was 42 years old.
02.19.2020: Congrats to Lennart Abels, who successfully defended his master's thesis entitled “Randomized Image Decomposition and Reconstruction – RIDeR” today. He plans to continue his studies as a doctoral student.
02.11.2020: I forgot to mention the recent write-up in the CSU Source about the data science hires in comp sci and stat and myself.
- I just returned from the Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics. Three undergrads from CSU came with me. It was my first time attending as a faculty participant; I went once as an undergrad and served once as a graduate mentor. It's a really lovely event, and I look forward to continuing to bring groups from CSU in the future.
- Here is a list of my currently scheduled upcoming invited talks:
- February 20, 2020, Fisk Distinguished Speaker Series, University of Wyoming: “The Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics of Frames”
- March 13-20, 2020, IK Interdisciplinary College, Günne at Lake Möhne, Germany: “Low Complexity Modeling in Data Analysis and Image Processing” and “Curiosity, Risk, and Reward in the Academic Job Search”
- March 29-April 4, 2020, ALCOMA 20 (international conference on algebraic combinatorics and applications), Kloster Banz, Germany: “Combinatorics and Group Symmetry in [Hilbert Space] Frames”
- April 22, 2020, a talk for the 4th Paradigm, CSU's data science club: “Linear Dimensionality Reduction: PCA vs. Linear Regression vs. Johnson-Lindenstrauss (tentative title)”
- June 8-11, 2020, Conference on the Mathematics of Complex Data, Stockholm, Sweden: Title TBA
- September 14-18, 2020, 8th International Conference on Computational Harmonic Analysis, München, Germany: Title TBA
- I'd like to thank Shayne Waldron, for hosting Dustin Mixon and me for a simultaneously productive and fun research visit in New Zealand in November. The preprint is almost ready to submit.
- Congrats to Julian Gebken, who finished his bachelor's degree with a thesis entited “Nutzung verallgemeinerter Singulärwerte zur Untersuchung künstlicher neuronaler Netze.” Congrats to Julian, who will be continuing as a master's student at Uni Bremen.
- Registration is open now for IK Interdisciplinary College, which truly lives up to its name. Check out this video about IK here.
- If you're going to the Joint Mathematics Meetings, come check out the AMS Special Session on Group Actions in Harmonic Analysis, organized by Keri Kornelson and me. I'll also be giving a talk in the AMS-AWM Special Session on Mathematical and Computational Research in Data Science
09.30.2019: You can check out my talk at the Jubilee of Fourier Analysis and Applications: A Conference Celebrating John Benedetto's 80th Birthday, entitled “Grassmannian Frames and the Game of Sloanes” here. (Note that there are some issues with the slides showing up in the video.) I will be giving a handful of seminar and colloquium talks at other universities this semester:
- October 8, 2019, Colloquium of the Mathematics and Statistics Department, Vassar College: “Combinatorics and Group Symmetry in [Hilbert Space] Frames.” For more information, click here.
- November 26, 2019, Image Analysis Seminar, University of Houston: Title TBA. For more information, click here.
- December 10, 2019, Algebraic Lie Theory Seminar, University of Colorado: “Lie Algebras, Coxeter Groups, and Quantum Information Theory.” For more information, click here.
- March 13--20, 2019, IK Interdisciplinary College, Günne at Lake Möhne, Germany: “Low Complexity Modeling in Data Analysis and Image Processing” and “Curiosity, Risk, and Reward in the Academic Job Search”
- March 29--April 4, 2019, ALCOMA 20 (international conference on algebraic combinatorics and applications), Kloster Banz, Germany: Title TBA
I am now located at Colorado State University, which means
- The announcements will now be written in first person. I would like to thank the wonderful Katie Lorenz, who among many other duties also set up and maintained the group website at the University of Bremen, which is for now still being hosted.
- The dates will now be written month.day.year.
If you are at CSU and want to learn more about my research, you should come by one of the seminar talks that I'll be giving over the next few weeks.
- Thursday, September 5, 2 p.m., Weber 223 Seminar in Inverse Problems: “Sparsity-Based Inpainting and Data Separation”
- Friday, September 13, 5 p.m., Weber 223 Rocky Mountain Algebraic Combinatorics Seminar: “Combinatorics and Group Symmetry in [Hilbert Space] Frames”
- Thursday, September 26, 1 p.m., Weber 223 Data Science Seminar: “Low Complexity Models in Image Processing and Data Analysis”
- Thursday, October 3, 3 p.m., Applied Math Seminar: “Shearlet Theory and Applications”
31.07.2019: Congratulations and a bittersweet farewell
congratulate Prof. Emily King, who has led the research group for the last 5
1/2 years, on her appointment as Assistant Professor at Colorado State
University. We are very grateful for the dedication and direction she gave
our group and wish her all the best.
Prof. Jörg Lücke, head of the Machine Learning Lab at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg will be visiting the group and giving a series of two talks on Monday, May 13 and Monday, June 17. The title
of the first talk is
Very Large-Scale Clustering, Variational Optimization and k-Means.
The title of the second talk is
Probabilistic Sparse Coding Approaches - Discrete Latents, Non-Gaussian
Noise and Non-linear Superpositions.
Volkswagen Stiftung wrote a nice article
about Interdisciplinary College 2019: From Data to Insight, held March 12-19 at
Lake Möhnesee/Günne, Germany, which Prof. Emily King co-chaired.
Prof. Emily King is co-organizing a minisymposium
"Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics of Subspace Packings" at the 2019 SIAM
Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry, which will take place from July
9-13, 2019 in Bern, Switzerland. For more information, click
Jubilee of Fourier Analysis and Applications: A Conference
Celebrating John Benedetto’s 80th Birthday, a conference co-organized by
Prof. Emily King, has been selected as an Institue for Mathematics and its
Applications PI Conference.
Prof. Emily King is the co-spokesperson (with Prof. Dr.
Ralf Bachmayer) for the University of Bremen for the recently approved
research school called called Helmholtz School for Marine Data Science
(MarDATA). This is a data science school in marine sciences, oceanography,
deep-sea observations, robotics, bioinformatics, supercomputer, and big data
statistics. The involved institutions are GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean
Research Kiel, Alfred-Wegener-Institute (AWI), Kiel University, University
of Bremen, and Jacobs University Bremen.
Computational Data Analysis welcomes Prof. Ilya Krishtal
from Northern Illinois University for a research visit November 26-27, 2018.
Sören Schulze will be visiting Monika Dörfler at the
University of Vienna from November 26 - December 7, 2018 for a research
Prof. Emily King will be speaking at
SampTA in Bordeaux, which
will take place from July 8-12, 2019.
We congratulate Dr. Rafael Reisenhofer on his successful
doctoral defense as well as the fellowship he was awarded as part of the
Lise-Meitner-Programm and wish him all the best for his project "Depth and
discriminability in deep learning architectures" with Philipp Grohs at the
University of Vienna.
Computational Data Analysis welcomes Prof. Dustin Mixon from Ohio State University for a research visit June 9 - 12, 2018. He will give a talk on "A semidefinite relaxation of k-means clustering" at 4:15 pm on Monday, June 11 in MZH 7200. He will also give the weekly Mathematisches Kolloquium talk at 4:00 pm on Tuesday, June 12 in MZH 6210. The colloquium talk is entitled "Open problems in finite frame theory: Packings in projective spaces"; more info may be found here.
Prof. Emily King is co-organizing a Special Session "Low Complexity Models in Data Analysis and Machine Learning" at the 2019 Joint Mathematics Meetings, which will take place January 16-19, 2019 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. For more information, click here.
Prof. Emily King is co-organizing an Oberwolfach Mini-Workshop "Algebraic, Geometric, and Combinatorial Methods in Frame Theory," which will take place on September 30 - October 6, 2018 at the Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach in Oberwolfach, Germany. For more information, click here.
Prof. Emily King will be giving a talk at the DMS Colloquium at Auburn University at 4:00 p.m. on March 30, 2018. The title of the talk will be "(Hilbert Space) Frames, Algebraic Combinatorics, and Geometry." For more information, click here.
Prof. Dustin Mixon (Ohio State University) wrote a nice blog post about Tight Frames and Approximation 2018, held February 20-23 at Taipa, New Zealand. The write-up includes a summary of the talk Prof. Emily King gave there.
Rafael Reisenhofer is co-organizing a Young Researcher Minisymposium "YRM4: Mathematical theory of deep learning" at the 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), which will take place on February 18-22, 2019 in Vienna, Austria. For more information, click here.
Prof. Emily King will be giving a talk at the Lothar-Collatz-Kolloquium für Angewandte Mathematik at the University of Hamburg at 5:15 p.m. on February 1, 2018. The title of the talk will be "Shearlet Theory and Applications." For more information, click here.
Prof. Emily King will be giving the colloquium talk at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research at 2 p.m. on January 17, 2018. The title of the talk will be "Optimal Representation Systems and Sparsity." For more information, click here.
Computational Data Analysis welcomes Dr. E. J. Bekkers from the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven for a research visit January 10 - 12, 2018. He will be speaking at 2 p.m. on January 11 in MZH 4140.