MATH501 Introduction to Combinatorial Theory, Fall 2008


This course is an introduction to Combinatorics aimed at first year graduate students. It has three parts (roughly of equal size):
  1. Basic Discrete Mathematics and Counting
  2. Network Algorithms
  3. Applications

General Information


  1. Basic Discrete Mathematics and Counting (Chapters 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 25, 12, 13)
    1. various ways to count (chapters 6, 10)
    2. sets, subsets, binomial numbers (chapters 11, 12)
    3. functions and bijections (chapters 5, 20)
    4. recurrence relations and generating functions (chaper 25)
    5. partitions and compositions (chapter 12)
    6. optional: inclusion exclusion
    7. optional: Euler and Moebius functions
  2. Network Algorithms
    1. what is a graph / network? (chapter 15)
    2. graphical degree sequences (chapter 15)
    3. cycles, spanning subgraphs, trees, isomorphism
    4. Euler tour, Hamiltionian cycles
    5. shortest paths: Dijkstra and Floyd-Warshall (chapter 18)
    6. max flow / min cut: Ford-Fulkerson (chapter 18)
    7. maximum matchings (chapter 17)
    8. optional: strongly regular graphs and eigenvalue techniques
  3. Applications
    1. Finite fields and finite projective planes (chapter 23)
    2. Error correcting codes (chapter 24)
    3. Hadamard matrices
    4. Steiner systems and combinatorial designs (chapter 11)


Your final grade will be determined from a score of 500. The homework counts 200, the final is valued at 200 points the remaining 100 are obtained from a short presentation.

Homework and Take Home Final:

homework and take home final

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