Computer Lab 3
Friday, October 21

Previous labs

Starting up

It may be convenient to be able to share information between different worksheets, so that the variables mean the same thing in each window you open, and so on. To accomplish this, go to

Tools &rarr Options...

and set the Kernel mode to shared.

You'll want to make sure the number theory package is loaded. Do this by typing



or find them in the directory My computer &rarr Math on Pop G: &rarr m360.

In either case, you'll need to copy them to My computer &rarr local disk c &rarr temp.

The problems

  1. In this problem, we'll work with the prime p = 65537 and the primitive root &alpha = 3.

    After you define p and &alpha , you can check that p is prime by typing

    and verify that &alpha is a primitive root mod p using

    The file dhbb.mws has a function dhbb which solves the Computational Diffie-Hellman problem for this value of p and &alpha .

  2. There's a relation between discrete logarithms and orders of elements. Pick yourself a prime p and a primitive root g modulo p.

    Maple has a few functions which will help you with this. You can learn about them by typing

    You might be particularly interested in isprime, primroot and order.

    Just show me the good stuff here -- print out some evidence and explanation.