Computer Lab 1
Friday, September 2


Our system administrator has some rules and guidelines about using the computers in Weber 205. Please read and follow them!. Most of these are common sense. I'd particularly like to draw your attention to a few of them:

Getting started

We'll be working with crypto.mws, a Maple worksheet which accompanies our textbook. You need to place a copy of it in c:\temp\, so that you can work with it.

local, temporary directory so that you can work with it. Here are two ways two accomplish this.

Now start Maple 9.5, either by double clicking on crypto.mws or by starting Maple directly, and then opening the file.

Hit return somewhere in that page, and don't panic when lots of text scrolls by.

Notes on Maple

Maple is an incredibly powerful system for mathematics. Play around a bit, and try and get a handle on how the syntax works. Don't be nervous -- it's impossible to break the thing! Here are a couple of gotchas: So, horse around with Maple for a bit. If you like, you can work your way through (part of) the built-in tutorial, by going to Help -> Basic How-To. There's also a decent introduction in Appendix B of Trappe and Washington.


The file crypto.mws -- documented in Appendix B of the text -- contains a number of small programs which make it easier to play around with some of the ciphers from class. Your assignment for today: