M369 Section 2
Spring 2007 Course: Linear Algebra

Instructor: Dr. Iuliana Oprea
Department of Mathematics, Colorado State University
:Weber 123, phone:1-6751,
url: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~juliana

email juliana'at'math.colostate.edu

General information

Recommended (on-line free text book with solutions to all exercises):
Jim Hefferon, Linear Algebra: http://joshua.smcvt.edu/linalg.html

Course syllabus

The syllabus below will be updated as the semester progresses.


Material covered (with page numbers)



Chapter 1: Systems of linear equations, Row echelon form, Matrix algebra, Elementary matrices
Chapter 2 : The determinant of a matrix, Properties of determinants

 HW1 - due Wednesday 24 January
Chapter 1: Section 1: 1b, 2b, 3d, 5b, 6f,  Section 2: 1a,f,g, 2 a-e, 5f, Section 3: 1d, 2, 10, 12,    Section 4: 10g, 11


Chapter 3 : Vector spaces: Definition and examples,  Subspaces, Spanning sets, Linear independence

HW2 - due Wednesday 31 January
Chapter 2, Section 1: 3
Chapter 3, Section 1: 6, 10; Section 2: 1 a,b; 3 a; 4 a,b; 6 a,b; 10a, 11a


Basis, Dimension, Change of Basis
Solution to Quiz 1

HW3 - due Wednesday 7 February
S3: 1 a c e, 2 bd, 5, 6ac, 7bd, 8,
S4: 4,5,6,10,14 (sorry for the copy/paste typo, S2 was due last week!)
4 Change of Basis - continued
Row Space - Column Space
HW4 - due Wednesday 14 February
S5: 1b, 2 b, 3b, 5, 6, 8, 9; S6 1a, b, 2a, c, 3, 4abc, 5,6,10, 12, 13
Chapter 4: Linear Transformations
Linear transformation; Matrix representations of linear transformations
Solution to Quiz 2
HW5 - due Wednesday 21 February
Chapter 4: s1:1a,e, 3,4,5,6,9a,17a,b;18 a,b; 21,22; s2: 2ac, 3b, 4,6,14,18
Similarity Matrices; Review Chapter 4.
HW 6 due Wed 28 February: Ch 4, S3: 1,2,3,7; Chapter test B: 1-5, 9, 10
Review, Exam, Chapter 5 Orthogonality, Section 1
HW 7 due March 9 (Friday): Ch 5 S1: 1a, 3c, 4, 8c, 9; S2: 1c, 2, 3 , 4
Chapter 5 Orthogonality, Sections 1-2, 3 No HW assigned
9 Spring Break

10 Least Squares, Inner Product Spaces
HW 8 (due March 29): Ch. 5, S3: 1c, 2c, 5, 6 , S4: 2,3,7,8,11
Inner Product Spaces, Sections 4, 5
HW9 due April 5: Ch. 5, S5 1cd, 2, 3, 5, 8, 15, 21,27,28; S6: 1-6
Sections 5-7
HW10 Due April 9 Test Chapter B 1-8, 10-12
13 Chapter 5: Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors
HW 11: Ch6 S1: 1 g.h; 3,4,10, 11,13,18,19,28
Chapter 6, sections 1-3
HW12 Due Wednesday Ch6 S2: 1a,b, 2 a,b, S3: 1 a,c, 2,3,8
Chapter 6 Section 4,5
HW13 Due Wednesday, Ch. 6, S4, 1-4
Review for the Final Exam