MATH281A1 Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning, Fall 2009


Introduce the student to mathematical reasoning and proof. Present techniques and methods which are necessary for higher level math courses, in particular the Analysis and Algebra offering. Enforce a better understanding of logic, sets, and functions. Proofs by induction; proofs by contradiction. The number system. Cardinality. Integers mod n. Inequalities. Euclidean algorithm.

General Information



Midterm 1: Wed, 9/16
Midterm 2: Wed, 10/14
Final: during Final's week. The exact date can be found on the Registrar's website.
If you have a conflict, you need to discuss the matter with the teacher well in advance.


Your final grade will be determined from a score of 500. The midterms count 100 each, the homework counts 100, and the final is valued at 200 points.
Homework                   100
Midterm 100
Midterm 100
Final 200
Total 500


Homework assignment #1
Homework assignment #2
Homework assignment #3
Homework assignment #4
Homework assignment #5
Homework assignment #6
Homework assignment #7
Homework assignment #8
Homework assignment #9
Homework assignment #10

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On 31 Aug 2009, 08:59.