Dr. Rachel Pries
Colorado State University
2018 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society
2023 Fellow of the Association for Women in Math
2023 Professor Laureate at Colorado State University
Contact Information:
Mailing address: Math Department, Weber 101,
Colorado State University,
Fort Collins CO 80523-1874
e-mail: firstnamelastname ATSYMBOL gmail DOT com
e-mail: lastname ATSYMBOL colostate.edu
Do not use the e-mail: lastname ATSYMBOL math DOT colostate DOT edu
(this last one is no longer active)
Office Location: Math Department 205A Weber
Office Phone: 970-491-2635
General Office Hours: by appointment.
VaNTAGe: a virtual seminar on open conjectures in number theory and arithmetic geometry:
Find out more.
I study arithmetic geometry, which is a hybrid of number theory and algebraic geometry.
Specifically, my research is about moduli spaces of curves and abelian varieties, and Galois theory for curves.
Here are my publications.
I am an editor of the journals Research in Number Theory and Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.
In fall 2023 - spring 2024, I am on sabbatical.
Previous Course Information
I help organize the number theory lab and
FRAGMENT seminar
Mathematical highpoints:
Grammar school: going outside during math class to measure the circumference and diameter of trees and posts.
Cambridge Rindge and Latin Highschool 1990: graphing sin(x+y).
Brown University 1994 (advisers Professors Jeffrey Hoffstein and Joseph Silverman):
covering fundamental domains of real quadratic rings with hyperbolas.
Doctorate University of Pennsylvania 2000 (adviser Professor David Harbater): learning Galois theory by the sea in Luminy.
Postdoctorate Columbia University 2003: studying p-torsion of hyperelliptic curves.
This is my 20th year as a faculty member in the math department at Colorado State University.
Personal highpoints:
Sandcastles, treehouses, watercolors, social action theater, bicycle paths, train and subway rides, sunlight on brick rowhouses,
dark chocolate, chai tea,
the NY public library, climbing in the Gunks, hiking in wild basin, trips to Denver zoo and lyric theater, temples in Kyoto.
Check out this
interesting art/environmental link
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