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Arrival of participants is expected on Sunday afternoon. A welcome party will be held at the institute at 6:30 pm. The workshop will start on Monday, August 21 at 9:30 am. There are about 65 confirmed participants, the list of which you can find on the workshop Web site. Titles of talks are listed too on this site. We plan to run the workshop until Saturday August 26 morning, and to have on Wednesday 23rd a sightseeing boat tour to the wonderful "Calanques de Piana".
The precise schedule of the workshop will be available later on the Web site.
                                      GROUP FLIGHTS
The group flights are the  following:
From Paris-Orly to Ajaccio: departure Sunday, August 20, 12:50 am,  arrival 2:30 pm, price 626 FF.  From Ajaccio to Paris-Orly: departure Saturday August 26, 4:00 pm,  arrival 5:40 pm, price 876 FF.  From Nice to Ajaccio, departure Sunday, August 20, 2:00 pm, arrival  2:45 pm.
From Ajaccio to Nice: departure Saturday August 26, 4:00 pm, arrival 4:45 pm,
price 965,00 FF return ticket(Nice-Ajaccio-Nice).

Some of you have already shown their interest in these flights. The  minimum number of seats in order to get these fares is 10 for each  flight. Please send a message to the organisers (chossat@inln.cnrs.fr) BEFORE May 15 whether you want to use this possibility and for which flights (and how many persons, with  precise names and address).

The workshop will take place at the Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargese (CNRS and Universities of Corte and of Nice) in Corsica. It is situated about 60 kilometers north to Ajaccio airport, in a beautiful area next to the beach. The institute is set up as a scientific conference center with a large conference room with air conditioning, meeting rooms, computers (web access) and other facilities. Housing is provided in hotels and studios in the village of Cargese.

A) a single room in the village (about 200 FF/night);
B) a double room to be shared with another participant (about 150 FF/night)
C) a hotel room (from 300 to 500 FF)
D) an appartment for a couple or a family (from 300 to 450 FF/night)
E) camping on the Institute's field (20 FF/night).

* Remarks
a)Financial support for housing will cover choices A or B.
b)It is not possible, for pratical reasons, to rent a room in Cargese for the Saturday night (neither preceding or following the workshop. You can of course find a hotel in Ajaccio for example, or  in Nice or Paris if your flight fare requires that you spend a week-end out of town. However you then will have to proceed by  yourself in order to book a room.