Clayton Shonkwiler

Me in front of a whiteboard

Associate Professor                             
Associate Chair/Undergraduate Director
Department of Mathematics
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
Office: Weber 206C
Phone: (970)491.1822
Curriculum Vitæ

This semester I am teaching:

  • Math 617 — Integration and Measure Theory

Previous courses can be found on the teaching page.

My primary research interest is in using geometry to solve topological and physical problems. I am currently working on a long-term project which uses Riemannian and symplectic geometry to develop a new framework for understanding the probability theory of topologically constrained random walks and polymer networks. A newer but very promising project uses symplectic geometry to answer long-standing questions in frame theory and statistical signal processing. Please see the research page for more.



Graduate Students

Undergraduate Students

Group Alumni


Graduate Students

Undergraduate Students



My research is partially supported by the National Science Foundation (DMS–2107700), and previously by the Simons Foundation (#354225 and #709150).

My art site.