General exam rules
1. You must bring your picture ID to each exam in MATH 141.
Your completed exam will be accepted only if you show your picture ID.
2. Attendance is required at all exams. A student who misses an exam, without giving the notification and/or getting the permission required in rules 3 and 4 below, will be assigned a zero grade for that exam ---- or in case of Exam 1, could be disenrolled from MATH 141.
3. If you want to miss an exam because of illness, you must notify the Department of Mathematics by phone (491-1303) before the exam (unless you are seriously injured). In order to make up an exam missed for medical reasons, you must agree to waive your medical privacy rights and arrange to provide your instructor official verification of the nature of your illness or condition. The make-up exam grade will not be recorded if you fail to provide verification in a timely manner.
4. In case you have a personal conflict with an exam date, ask your professor well before the exam, to find out if you will be permitted to take a make-up exam.
5. Exams cannot be taken twice. You cannot repeat an exam because you claim you were sick the first time. All those who come to an exam are assumed to be well enough to take it.
6. Exams are strictly monitored. Anyone caught cheating will receive an "F" for the course; interlopers caught in the exam room will be referred to campus police. (If you are unsure what constitutes cheating, ask your instructor well in advance of the first exam.)
7. Calculators are permitted at exams, but not any devices with symbolic manipulators, e.g. TI-89 and higher and laptops.
8. Grading errors must be brought to your professor's attention before the next exam. No grade adjustments will be made later.
9. No cell phones can be visible or audible during exams. Failure to comply will result in a 0 on the exam.
Page last updated on 15 August 2008.