Placement Information for Distance/CSU Online Students

** NOTE: in all references below, MPE refers to either the unproctored Math Placement Exam or the proctored Math Challenge Exam.

Every degree program at Colorado State University requires a minimum of 3 credits in mathematics or statistics for graduation. The Colorado State University Math Placement and Challenge Exams (MPE) have been developed by the Department of Mathematics to determine a student's readiness for college-level mathematics at Colorado State.


CSU Online students who have not completed a transferable college-level mathematics course may be required to take the MPE.

  • CSU Online students who are admitted with a transferable college-level mathematics course should visit with a CSU Online adviser to determine whether the MPE will be necessary.
  • Students who have completed MAT 055, MAT 093 or MAT 099 at a community college in Colorado with a grade of C- or better may register for MATH 117, College Algebra I at CSU. Visit with a CSU Online adviser for approval to register for MATH 117.
  • Click on the button below to determine if you should take the MPE.


Students are strongly encouraged to complete the MPE remotely (using a home computer) to determine appropriate placement in a mathematics course.

  • Students who transfer 60 or more credits to CSU may be required to register for mathematics during the first semester.
  • Distance students may take the Math Placement Exam (unproctored) one time using a compatible personal computer. The Math Challenge Exam may be taken up to two (2) times in a proctored setting. Whether proctored or unproctored, the MPE has a 2 hour, 20 minute time limit.
  • If you assume that you remember the math you studied in high school (and don't study for the MPE), you could easily find you are unable to register for some important classes.
  • Questions concerning the MPE should be directed to the PACe Office (Weber 137; (970) 491-5761;

A ONE-TIME $15 CSU exam fee is charged to your student account the first time you take the MPE.

    Payment of this fee is expected even if the student subsequently chooses not to attend Colorado State University after taking the exam. Students are not charged for additional attempts of the MPE.

Students must have an eID (electronic IDentification) in order to take the MPE remotely.

    Shortly after students apply for admission to Colorado State University, the Office of Admissions mails instructions for using a secure site to establish an eID. If you have forgotten your eID, use the eIdentity website for help. If you need assistance establishing your eID, please contact the Office of Admissions at or (970) 491-6909.

During the academic year, the MPE is available remotely during specific dates and times.

    Students should log into the MPE website using their eID to display the exact dates during which they will be eligible to take the MPE remotely.
    SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: The MPE website typically closes during the week after classes end for the semester so we can complete required maintenance on our system.

We strongly recommend that students prepare before attempting this exam.

MPE results are available immediately after completing the exam. In addition:

  • Placement results are sent to the University's records system every evening at 10pm MST to provide prerequisite information so you can register for classes.
  • Placement results for exams that are completed after 10pm MST are sent to the University's records system at 10pm MST on the next day.
  • You can re-check your placement results at any time by logging into the remote MPE site with your eID.

*** The remote MPE is found at


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