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In this applet we illustrate the Jacobi iterative method for approximating the solution to a system of linear equations. We apply the Jacobi method to the Laplace finite difference equation


with boundary conditions given by

U_{0,n}=U_{m,0}=100 \;\;for\;m,n=1,2,...50\end{displaymath}

U_{51,n}=U_{m,51}=0 \;\;for\;m,n=1,2,...50\end{displaymath}

The Laplace difference equation is equivalent to the discrete mean value property


which states that the solution value at (m,n) is the average of the solution values at the four compass-point neighbor grid points.

The mean value property motivates a method for solving the system of difference equations. Let us make an initial guess of the interior solution values of

U_{mn}^{0} = 50 \;\;for\;m,n=1,2,...50 \end{displaymath}

We have chosen the initial guess on the interior to be the average of the boundary values. Next, successively apply the discrete mean value property with the aim of improving our initial guess. The Jacobi iterative method applied to this problem calls for successive estimates of Umni to be computed from

U_{mn}^{i+1}=.25*(U_{m-1,n}^i+U_{m,n-1}^i+U_{m+1,n}^i+U_{m,n+1}^i)\;\;for\;m,n=1,2,...50 \end{displaymath}

iterating on i until the maximal residual value given by the maximum over m,n = 1,2,...,50 of


is less than some user prescribed tolerance.


Dave Zachmann