Step Six  Vowels

Design this program called vowel.cpp to accept the input of one character value and output whether it is a vowel or a consonant. Use the switch statement to decide which is which. To make things simple, let's assume there are only 10 vowels--UPPER and LOWER case a,e,i,o,u!

switch (letter) {
  case 'A':
  case 'e':
    cout << "vowel!" << endl;
    cout << "consonant!" << endl;
instead of:
if (letter == 'A' || letter == 'e' ... ) {
  cout << "vowel!" << endl;
else {
  cout << "consonant!" << endl;

It may be more exciting to count the number of vowels in an entire text file. Let's say you have a text file called "gettysburg.txt" which contains the Gettysburg Address. You could do that something like this:

int vowelcounter = 0;
int consonantcounter = 0;
while (cin.get(letter)) {
  switch (letter) {
    case 'A':
  //now display the results

Then run the program like this, so that input comes from the file gettysburg.txt rather than from you and the keyboard (this is an example of Input/Output redirection or I/O redirection):

./vowel < gettysburg.txt

This program will actually count too many consonants because it will count spaces, periods, commas, etc as consonants. We will fix that when we get to the alpha-only program.

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