Patrick Shipman

Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Colorado State University




Aims and Scopes

Instructors for Authors

Notice to Referees

Notice to referees

General Considerations
Your assessment is particularly important with regard to scientific soundness. If you advise the editor that the paper is not acceptable it will not be published without further review. Your advice on other
aspects is also requested. These aspects are more of a subjective nature. Your point of view should therefore be justified. Dynamics at the Horsetooth does not request the material to be new. However,
plagiarism is not allowed and we would like you to make sure that the paper does not contain extended parts of published materials and that the relevant sources are correctly cited.

Is the work scientifically correct? If it is not the case, do you believe the paper can be revised?

Does the paper contain substantial research or well-presented work (in the form of a review).

Is this paper of general interest in nonlinear science? Why do you think this paper should be published in The Nonlinear Journal?

In some cases, the appearance of the paper can be enhanced by proper stylistic revision.
We welcome all suggestions along the following questions:

Is the introduction clear and well-presented?
Does it address the basic issues relevant to the problem?
Is the research properly placed into context (e.g. are the references adequately discussed)?
Is unnecessary jargon avoided?
Are the ideas well exposed?
Are the abstract and title sufficient to understand the content of the paper?
Does the conclusion open the research field to new ideas?