M&e's Weddin' #3

Some people love each other so much that they just can't stop getting married...fortunately, Mark and Emina in doing so choose cool places (Alpine, WYO) and cool activities to celebrate their renewed committment


Here we are pumping

Brynja loving her PBR

The well behaved raft

The not so well behaved raft


Me, trying to look cool

The ceremony. Rev. Danny celebrates

Emina(Alastair) and Mark(Brynja) wake up. Couloir (Markstro) is wagging in the background.

Sweetie, I love you. Sweetie, I need you. Sweetie, don't leave me alo-o-one.

Looks like they really do love each other...

Sophia gets the bouquet (married within the year?)

Instead of the cutting of the cake, the oreing of the watermellon...