Volcan Irazù




Like the sign says…it’s a pretty high spot in Costa Rica. The guide even says you can see both the Atlantic and the Pacific from here on a clear day…which is something that happens with probability 0. In the few hours I spent roaming around the craters the cloud cover broke a few times to reveal the majesty of the volcano. Here are a few pics:




Ashes and mist…Dante’s limbo?



The crater when I first got there…


The crater a little bit later. Oh, it is indeed a crater!


This is one big leaf. Can you see the coin I put on it?



I am a sucker for pretty flowers…


The side of the crater (duh!)


A secondary crater…little guy. Only 1km wide.



More jagged stuff.


This is a sight of the crater from the very top of the volcano. Before I was standing right on that gray expanse down there…can you see the tiny people?