M435 Projects in Applied Mathematics Fall 2005


This course allows students to explore a range of mathematical techniques and applications in extended projects.


Prerequisites: M229, M340 or M345 or M355 and preparedness to program in Matlab.


Instructor: Professor Michael Kirby, Kirby@math, Weber 221.



Grading policy


The final grade will be determined the evaluation of




All work will be done in groups. The groups will be randomly selected for each project.  Each group will receive a single grade for each project.



Project Reports


Each of the first 3 projects will require about 4 weeks to complete.  The mathematics modeling competition problem will be done over the last 3 weeks and presented during the class’s finals period.  Each group will submit a jointly written single report.  One student per group will present the report such that everyone presents at least once during the semester.



Sample Report Outline


General Introduction to the Problem



Mathematical theory and modeling approach




Use Figures embedded in the text and cited in the text.





Conclusions and Summary

     Answer the questions: 

