Grading policy


The final grade will be determined the evaluation of



Tentative Projects  (Each project will occupy about 4 weeks and will require a team report.)


Project 1.  Pattern recognition.  We will develop the notion of low-dimensional pattern mappings and will use the singular-value decomposition as a prototype.  Pattern classifiers will be introduced.  Applications to Face Recognition and the Human Computer Interface will be considered. 


Project 2. Game theory.  A Beautiful Mind and John Nash have led to a resurgence in the interest of game theory.  We will study game theory and each group will propose and implement a novel application.


Project 3. Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Diseases.    With West Nile impacting Colorado and the USA in an unprecedented fashion and the threat of bio-terrorism the mathematical modeling of the spread of infectious diseases is now an area of central national need.  Students will explore what methods have been used and implement a method of their choice from techniques such as PDEs, cellular automata, difference and differential equations.


Project 4.  Mathematical modeling competition past paper.  Here groups will simulate the competition and write solutions to a competition question posed by COMAP.  This project will occupy the last two weeks of the semester after the Thanksgiving break. 




All work will be done in groups.  The groups will be randomly selected for each project.  Each group will receive a single grade for each project.





These will be written in a common format emphasizing the added value of the study.  Use of Latex is required.  A template report will be provided.


General Introduction to the Problem



Mathematical theory and modeling approach




Use Figures embedded in the text and cited in the text.





Conclusions and Summary

     Answer the questions: 

