
Algebraic geometry studies the geometry of systems of polynomial equations. This innocuous description hardly hints at the spectacular ways in which algebraic geometry blends ideas from topology, complex analysis and combinatorics (as well as algebra and geometry, of course). Algebraic geometry gives back to all of these areas, and yields surprisingly concrete payoffs in number theory, coding theory, statistics, and robotics. Even without these ancillary benefits, algebraic geometry is a richly rewarding subject in its own right.

This class is an introduction to affine and projective varieties. The emphasis is on what can be said about varieties of arbitrary dimension, rather than on a detailed study of, say, curves or surfaces. This course complements the department's other offerings in algebraic geometry, and even previous incarnations of M672.


A representative, but not definitive, sketch of topics:



Homework will be assigned weekly, and is due at the beginning of class on Fridays. You're encouraged to work with other students in the class, but the work you actually turn in must be your own. 85% of your grade is based on your written homework.

There will be sporadic problem sessions throughout the semester, approximately once per month. You are expected to present solutions at least twice. 15% of your grade is based on this component.


Questions directed to will be answered swiftly. Office hours will be posted soon.

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