Partly in response to growing concerns about the price of textbooks, in Fall 2008 the only textbook used for 369 was the free, on-line textbook A First Course in Linear Algebra, by Robert Beezer.

The experiment was worthwhile, but not completely successful. Exit questionnaires filled out by students fell roughly into three different categories:

Unfortunately, I haven't found what I think is a good, cheap option.

As we go through the semester, I will post information about the relevant sections in DeFranza and Gagliardi, and link to the relevant section of Beezer.

A word about using the on-line textbook: it's available in several formats, including HTML and PDF. I will typically link to the HTML sections, but if you're seriously reading a section, you will probably want to either look at the PDF online or print something out. If you try and print out the whole book, you'll kill several trees to no good effect. Instead, you might want to consider printing the PDF of each week's section(s).