Dear Math 161 students, As I'm sure you're aware, the first exam is on Thursday, September 14. Here is some information to help you get prepared, both logistically and mathematically, for the test. (This message, as well as a review sheet, will be posted on the course web page, under help) * The exam covers material up through, and including, exponential change. There will be two kinds of questions. Some are short-answer questions; you'll write your answer (for example, a number, or an equation) in a box, and only that answer will be graded. Others are longer questions; for those, you'll need to show all your work. You are not allowed to use notes, books, calculators or other forms of electronic support. (Of course, this affects the kinds of questions we can ask. For example, you won't have to keep track of six significant figures on a Newton iteration problem.) Please bring your CSU ID to the exam! You'll need to show your ID when you turn in the test. * The exam is 5:05-6:35 PM. Where you take the exam depends on the first letter or two of your last name, as follows. A--G JNTHR 222 (Johnson Hall) Ha--MA Clark A201 Mc--Sa Clark A104 Sc--Z Clark A102 (Please make sure you know how to find your building and room well before the test!) * In addition to the usual support resources, we are running an extra review session on Tuesday, September 12, 5PM-8PM, in Engineering 100. During the session, you'll be working through the review sheet, with instructors standing by to offer assistance as needed.